
Monday, January 24, 2011

not dead, just getting older.

Sometimes I complain that chivalry is dead. Cue boos and hisses from all the males out there who read this (grand total: 3). I understand that that whole feminism movement had something to do with it, sort of, but that doesn't mean you get to go all wussy on us girls. Every Monday and Wednesday night when I get off the train, I see an older gentleman waiting. A much shorter woman walks up to him. He gives her a kiss. He takes her bag. Her bag that is a backpack and looks like it's filled with many a-heavy thing. He never asks if he can hold it for her. She never asks if he will take it from her. He just does. That, my friends, is true chivalry. So yes, while us girls try to be independent and prove that we can do everything you men can do and want to have jobs and still want to have babies and try to do everything that is thought of even though it's a large plate to handle, we also would like for you to just take the reins for a little bit. Show us who's boss. We dare you. 

*I use the term "we" very loosely in this post, especially if you're one of those freaky feminists who think all men are womanizing pigs.

1 comment:

  1. haha... love it! Expecting a Twilight post soon ;) And I say guys need to do more for ladies, just out of pure respect (and I am a semi-crazy feminist haha)!
