It happened. I became a senior. For the third time. Third, you ask? Yes. Once in high school and twice in college. Ok, so "technically" this is referred to as being a Super Senior, or I can say that I've been a senior three times. Actually, Super Senior gives me license to wear a cape so maybe we'll stick with that one.....
Anywho - school has been going for a week here at the Grand Ol' University of Utah. It's been awesome and way too hot for me. The AC in my car makes my engine run funny so I get to ride with my windows down every day. I also get to experience a waterfall of sweat down my back every day. Please, curb your jealousy. I have to admit...the night before school started I couldn't sleep. Call it anxiety, excitement, insomnia, crazed conversations with myself in my head, or what have you, I couldn't sleep. So I went upstairs and read a cooking textbook that my friend so graciously let me have (she needed the newer version...Love for College Textbooks!). I stopped reading after I got to the veal discussion/butchering section. If you have any questions about this process, please, feel free to use Wikipedia because I don't want to answer anything.
And now for a completely different note: A few weeks ago I was leaving work. I got in my car. I had left my windows slightly open because you never know if the outside air will be any cooler than the inside air. Truth be told, I think they're about the same nowadays.....Then I found a tomato on the floor of the passenger side. Yes, my friends, a tomato. So I looked at it with curious fascination and threw it out my still semi-rolled down window. I proceeded to drive home. No more than 5 minutes go by and a smaller tomato rolls out from underneath my passenger seat. Please don't go telling Fox News or anything, but I do believe I have come upon a tomato-growing car. Keep in mind that this growing process takes roughly 12 years for it to come to fruition, so I wouldn't recommend buying a car to get produce in over a decade. But if you happen to want to make salsa this weekend, give me a call.