
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

the word that has been ruined.

Five or so years ago, you could say this word and everyone knew you were talking about a time of day. It's been put in songs to make the singer seem more romantic. Now whenever I hear this word, I cringe. Yes, I cringe. Hearing this word reminds me of the terror that the book-turned-movie is and continues to be. If you honestly haven't figured it out yet, the word is twilight. Ugh. I just shuddered. You may think that I write from ignorance. In fact, I used to be one of those blubbering, love-sick Twi-hards. Now I just got to the movies so I can find new insults. Immature? Probably. Petty? Definitely. But Twilight asked for it...

*Bella is ridiculously selfish. And self-depreciating. And unable to handle more than 5 friends at a time, if that.
*Edward is a pushover. Plus he can't pick out jewelry. 
*Japser is not allowed to suddenly have an accent in the third movie. Especially a southern accent. Seriously? Maybe I should finish out the rest of my life with a Spanish accent. 

I would just like to say that all girls are not as crazy as Bella. Granted, some of them are, but a good majority are not. For instance, I can't think of any girl I know that would kiss a super attractive, Native American boy with his shirt off right in front of their boyfriend. 

I can't figure out how that can be considered good literature. It would make a good soap opera, though. 

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