
Friday, February 25, 2011

off of the face of the earth.

I'm writing today (tonight) to quell all rumors about me falling off the face of the digital earth. I am still here. Just a lot busier and tired-er than I normally am. I know your lives have been much affected by the absence of my blog posts, but I crave your indulgence for just a few weeks longer as after that, my life will slowly creep back to me and start being mine once again. 

Now that we have thoroughly established that I am still here, I have a story. Surprise. About something I saw while on public transportation. Even bigger surprise. I was on the light rail, and at a stop, saw a lady who was ill clad. I don't mean she was being a hoochie mama or anything, but considering the chilly early morning temperature, her sweatshirt and capri yoga pants were definitely not cutting it. She was quite the voluptuous woman, and had her head tucked down. I just thought she was keeping herself warm. Until she lifted her head. Popping out from, well you know where, was a chihuahua puppy's head. Not kidding. And it was the size of a large lime, with eyes the size of walnuts. The poor thing was shaking...Obviously the reason why the woman had her head tucked down. I'm not reporting a case of animal abuse or anything, because, let's be honest, a busty woman's chest has got to be quite the mattress, especially for such a tiny, bony, little dog. I'm just preparing you for your next mass transit encounter with a lady who has a chihuahua stuffed down her shirt. Because it will happen. And you will be ready. 

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