
Thursday, November 17, 2011

just for you, MM'dear.

Long time, no post, eh? Well, I'll have you know that in my internet absence, my reality has been going on pretty strongly. Like every day. I don't know how it does it, but it does. 

*First fun fact: I've eaten about 3-5 grilled cheese sandwiches in the past week. 
*Fun Fact #2: I got pooped on my a bird Tuesday. No, you did not read that wrong. I was walking under a bunch of trees when a wind picked up. I thought I felt a surprisingly heavy leaf on my head so I touched the spot where it hit. After I took my hand away, I realized that there was some liquid on my hand. I innocently looked around on my clothes and bags to find the source of the new goo. And then the candle above my head was lit. I quickly sent my hand back up to my hood, I was thankfully wearing one, and felt the culprit. At first I was a little perturbed. Then I realized that hardly anyone gets pooped right on the head by a bird. Think about it. It takes good aim and quite a bit of luck to get in on a bird poopin' and it was my lucky day. It was also my friend's lucky day who agreed to scrape off the poop with a leaf. 
*Last fun fact: I feel like I'm Peter Pan. Not the girl who plays the boy, but everyone in the audience knows she's a girl. No, I just feel like I never want to grow up. And I think it might be possible. With my chosen career, I get to explore and play every day. With my friends, well, I don't want to offend any of them so they get to choose if they are the Lost Boys (even if they contain no male parts) or Wendy, Michael, and John. But I know what they'll pick. 

1 comment:

  1. BAHAHA!!! I love it! I've been pooped on by a bird before. Weird experience. I wish I could join you in never growing up. :)
