
Sunday, February 26, 2012

simmering sundays: frittata.

Welcome back to Simmering Sundays and feel free to fancy up your pronunciation of today's dish at any time. It's a frittata! Basically a bunch of ingredients and eggs that are baked. Now, for my version of the recipe I left out the mushrooms. Not only do I not like them, but we didn't have any. WIN. The key to this recipe is either having an oven-safe skillet (I and the original author used a cast-iron one) or pour everything into an oven-safe dish and do it that way. I do have to admit, though, it does look pretty cool in cast-iron. 

Butter is always good. 

I used hashbrowns instead of chopped potatoes. 

Green onions!

If you have the choice between shredded or block cheese, go with the block. It creates little cheesy volcanoes that are so wonderful. 

Make sure you watch it in the oven. When it's NOT done, the center will be lower and still plenty gooey. When it IS done, the center will be the same height and not gooey. 

The snow storm from last week left my backyard view like this. Not bad, I'd say. 

A slice of frittata. So delicious. And wonderful for breakfast leftovers. You might want to consider making enough so that you have leftovers. Until next time!

Definitely 5 out of 5 Carrots for Taste. 

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